Anatomia e biologia
Anatomy of the Neck - cod:6030.13
This life size model is a ventral view of the human neck, showing excellent details of the main muscles, vascular structures, nerves and glands.

Size: 23x14x32 cm Weight: approx. 960 g
Female Perineum - cod:6000.14
This life size model shows the female perineal area, including the anus and the external genitalia. The pelvic diaphragm, urogenital perineum with opening of the vagina and the anal perineum are well...

Size: 26x40x11 Weight: approx. 1600 g
Male Perineum - cod:6000.15
This life size model shows the male perineal area, including the anus and external genitalia. The pelvic diaphragm, urogenital perineum and anal perineum are well represented, including distribution...

Size: 26x40x10 cm Weight: approx. 1600 g
Mediastinum - cod:6000.19
This life size model is composed of 5 parts, including a 2-part heart that provides an interior view of the chambers and valves. The sternum and thymus are removable to reveal the pericardical sac...

Size: 40x26x30 cm Weight: approx. 2300 g
Model of Shoulder with Deep Muscle - cod:6000.21
This model illustrates in great details the muscles, ligament and bones of the shoulder. Through different muscles section it is possible to observe the profound musculature as far as to get bone....

Size: 23x19x1 cm Weight: approx. 435 g
Schematic Cross Section through Abdomen (T12) - cod:6000.16
This life size model shows a typical cross sectional view through the abdomen at the level of the T12 vertebra. The stomach, liver, kidney, spleen and other abdomen structures are sectioned...

Size: 40x26x8 Weight: approx. 1700 g
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