Anatomia e biologia
Stomach and Associated Organs of the Upper Abdomen - 6 Parts - cod:6090.20
This life size model has the following features, 2-part stomach along with the pancreas, spleen and duodenum (shown in open section), gallbladder with bile ducts, abdominal aorta, vena cava,...

Size: 20x16x31 cm Weight: approx. 950 g
Caecum and Appendix - cod:6090.12
This model is 2X life size; it shows the open caecum with appendix, ileum, ilocaecal orifice and valve. Blood vessels and lymph nodes are also represented.

Size: 33x23x7.5 cm Weight: approx. 1050 g
Colon Diseases - cod:6090.25
This 1/2 life size model shows various pathologies of the coln and appendix. In the region of descending colon, are well represented diverticulosis with adhesion, bacterial colitis and...

Size: 16,5x12x29 cm Weight: approx. 360 g
Gastric Diseases - cod:6090.24
This 1-piece life size model describes the most common pathologies of the stomach including ulcerated gastric cancer, pyloric stenosis, gastric ulcer, chronic atrophic gastritis, hiatal hernia,...

Size: 20x15x19 cm Weight: 400 g
Human Anus Model - cod:6090.08
This life size model shows a frontal section of the human anus. Structures of the rectum, including the internal and external sphincter muscles, mucous membrane, ampullae and anal valves are readily...

Size: 20x10x6 cm Weight: approx. 210 g
Human Digestive System - 3 Parts - cod:6090.01
This life size model shows the human digestive tract from mouth cavity to rectum. The oral cavity, the pharynx and the first part of the esophagus are dissected along the sagittal plane. The liver is...

Size: 90x30x13 cm Weight: approx 1900 g
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