Anatomia e biologia
Female Genital Organs - 4 Parts - cod:6180.15
This life size model, composed of 4 parts, is a detailed representation of the female reproductive system as viewed through a median sagittal dissection. Removable parts include a 2-part uterus and 2...

Size: 14x14x12 cm Weight: approx. 500 g
Female Pelvis - 3 Parts - cod:6180.03
This life size model, composed of 3 parts, shows an open dissection through the median sagittal section of the pelvis. Internal structures of the female urogenital system are portrayed in great...

Size: 25x18x27 cm Weigt: approx. 1300 g
Female Pelvis with 8-Week Ebryo - 3 Parts - cod:6180.11
This life size model is composed of 3 parts and gives an internal view through the median sagittal section of the pelvis. It shows the internal organs of the female urinary and reproductive systems...

Size: 25x18x27 cm Weight: approx. 1500 g
Fetal Development - cod:6180.01
This model shows te process of fetal development from the unfertilized ovum to the 9th month of gestation. The model consists of 5 parts, mounted on a board that corresponds to the following...

Size: 53x38x5 cm Weight: approx. 2000 g
Human Embryo, 4-Week Old - cod:6180.24
This model, 50X life size, shows structural details of a human embryo at 4 weeks of development.

Size: 27x19x14 cm Weight: approx. 770 g
Internal Female Reproductive Organs - cod:6180.09
1.5X life size model shows a dissected view of the vagine, cervix, uterus and ovary with follicles at various stages of development.

Size: 23x19x11 cm Weight: approx. 280 g
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