Anatomia e biologia
Kidney Section with Renal Nephron and Renal Corpuscle - cod:6140.14
This 3 models set shows the basic structure of the kidney. We can find as a first model a frontal section of the kidney, enlarged 3 times, illustrates adrenal gland, cortex, medulla, pyramids with...

Size: 70x29x12 cm Weight: approx. 4080 g
Kidney with Adrenal Gland, 1,5 Times Enlarged - 2 Parts - cod:6140.11
This 2-part model, 1.5X life size, shows the human kidney in frontal region. Internal structures are clearly revealed, including cortex, medulla, pyramids, calyces, renal pelvis (partially opened),...

Size: 25x10x10 cm Weight: approx. 315 g
Kidney with Adrenal Gland, 3X life size - cod:6140.06
This model shows a frontal section of the human kidney enlarged 3 times. The kidney is shown with the renal capsule. Additional structures include: the cortex, medulla, pyramids with papillae,...

Size: 40x15x8 cm Weight: approx. 1200 g
Kidney with Adrenal Gland, life size - 2 Parts - cod:6140.07
A life size model of the kidney with the adrenal gland. The model is sectioned along the front plane; it can be divided in 2 parts to show internal strucures, including the cortex, medulla, pyramids...

Size: 23.5x11.4 cm Weight: approx. 230 g
Male Urinary Bladder with Prostate - 2 Parts - cod:6140.05
This model, enlarged 3 times, shows the male urinary bladder with the prostate gland surrounding the urethra. The model is dissected medially to expose both internal and external structures of the...

Size: 27x20x15 cm Weight: approx. 1200 g
Median Section of Male and Femal Urinary Tracts - cod:6140.01
This model features sections of both male and female pelvises, plus the urinary bladder, urethra, the inferior vena cava with tributaries, the abdominal aorta with branches, ureters, the kidneys with...

Size: 53x38x5 cm Weight: approx. 1600 g
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